All You Need To Know About Shipping Agencies

China-HK Express bears responsibility for the management of ships and Freight Forwarding on behalf of shipowners, administrators and charterers, and for the general interests of their customers at ports and harbors worldwide. There are several types of Shipping Agencies , such as: port agents, liner agents, and own agencies, each providing specific services based on their shipping company. Basically, Shipping Agencies conduct the tasks as an alternative to other operations such as owning or running ships, managing Freight Forwarding or the like, or in combination with them. Agents can normally quickly and efficiently take care of all China-HK Express' regular routine activities. They ensure that critical equipment, crew changes, customs documents and reports of waste are all managed without delay with the Port authorities. But very often provide alerts and notes on operations at the destination port to the China-HK Express, so that Shipping Agencies have rea...